Drop Off & Pick Up

Morning Drop Off

  • Drop off begins at 8:00am, follow the signs and please come to a complete stop before allowing campers to get out of your vehicle.
  • Campers will pick up their name badge on the side of the camp office, then proceed to the amphitheater to join their group leader.
  • Opening ceremonies begin promptly at 8:20am.
  • Campers arriving after 8:20 am must check in at the office with a parent.
  • If a camper is late (after 8:20am) his/her class may start without him/her. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Early Pick Up

Any person picking up a camper must provide a government issued ID AND BE LISTED on the camper's medical form.

Early Pick Up ends at 3:30pm. For the safety of your camper and our staff, there will be no early pick up after 3:30pm. Thank you for your understanding.

If your camper is scheduled in any activity on the lake, please notify the office no later than 3pm. Boats WILL NOT be able to turn back early for a camper to go home.

Please help us deliver the best program possible for all our campers by planning early.

Afternoon Pick Up

Step 1: 

Know your pick up Group Car Tag:

Group A: Voyagers (6-8 years old) and any camper that car pools with a Voyager
Group B: All  9-11 years old who DO NOT carpool with a Voyager
Group C: All 12-14 years old not carpooling with anyone younger.

Step 2:

You must have an official Group A, B or C Car Tag in your window. If you do not have one please go to the office before getting in car line. If you are in the car line, you will be asked to the office with your ID to receive a Car Tag. To keep our campers safe, we must aks you abide by this rule, thank you for understanding.

Step 3:

Staff and signage will show your way. Start your engines at 4:35pm and be observant of your surroundings!



How do I visit camp?

We know you would love to see your camper in action, take pictures, and eat lunch with them. Please come to the Camp Office to check in. But for the safety of all our campers and staff, we do not allow parents to accompany a child throughout the camp day.

  • All visitors are required to check in at the Camp Office and show a Government Issued ID required.
  • Participation in activities is prohibited.
  • Only take pictures of your camper.

Thank you for helping us to create a safe environment for all of our campers and staff.