Merit Badges
Boy Scouts can earn Merit Badges!
Merit Badge Policy
Registered scouts must identify themselves during the registration process by providing a unit number. If you do not provide this at registration, no record will be kept of requirements met.
Merit badge completion is based on each scout’s satisfactory completion of the BSA requirements. Aquatics Camp Staff will work to help scouts meet these requirements, but cannot guarantee completions due to weather, individual/group skill, failure of scout to show skills or equipment malfunctions.
Aquatics Camp staff will maintain every reasonable effort to assist scouts in completion of requirements at camp. Some merit badges may require prerequisite work, homework or completion on their own after camp. Scoutmasters have the ultimate authority to sign off on partials that are completed after camp. Please consult with your troop’s advancement committee or Scoutmaster.
Blue Cards
Our merit badge tracking system is all online! By using your registration access you can see and print all requirements met by your camper online. On the registration home page for Aquatics Camp at you may access a pdf document to print and turn into your unit.
Records will be available online by 5pm the following Wednesday.